Tuesday, August 12, 2008


_star.platform.01 : Ali 2 Star

Though out my life I’ve always tried to enjoy ever situation,
milking every opportunity to have fun and engage with others as well as myself.
This video is about those times where I can blend into any environment or social group.
My willingness to remain open-minded has allowed me to attract all sorts of randomness.
5 people this is me because I am him and him is me so take a look C :P

_life.speed.02 : Flashes of life

Another one of my favourate past times is taking random photos on a daily basis,
‘flashes of life’ contains over 2000 snaps of my life (all taken with my cellphone) of 2008...
It’s all in my head, displayed at random you might get a glimpse
of what really goes on in my mind.

_drag.03 : One last Cigarette

Others might tend to disagree, yes agreed smoking isn’t good for one’s health,
its’ a really bad habit and it tends to knock our pocket.
I don’t want to know how many cigarettes I’ve consumed.
Lets work it out :P
Been smoking for roughly 10 years which is 3655 days.
10+- smokes a day
36550 :O
36550 / 20 = 1827.5 boxes
1827.5 X R15 (Avg for 10 years) = R 27412.5 :O

The only thing that smoking has done is brought me into contact with
some pretty weird and wacky people,
I will stop smoking someday, waking up and cold turkey is the only way.
On that day I might close the door but it’s never locked :P

_click.dis.04 : Click O' Gangster

It doesn’t make any sense and it’s completely impossible.
Can’t get any more random then this.

_start.key.05 : I'd rather walk

I’ve been living in Durban for the last 5 years and go down to the lower south coast ever second weekend.
I know the N2 well and I’ve seen some pretty random things happening on the way down home as there’s a better chance for me then others because of the level of frequency.
This is my literal journey, metaphorically the video although literal it’s a culmination of my life at Vega, in the sense that it’s gone so quickly and I can’t believe it’s almost over.
Time to get out of the driver’s seat and start walking in the real world.


I was running after this chaos and I stumbled upon
“Quantum theory”…

Quantum theory in a nutshell is the study of the physics of the really small.
Atoms or matter are made up of electrons, the understanding of electrons has made great advances in technology and telecommunications.
The physical of the Quantum world is uncertain,
Quantum theories core states that electrons are made up of waves and particles, the thought of this means it could be both or one or the other, this uncertainty creates randomness as Einstein quoted
“I cannot believe that God plays dice with the universe?”

The nature of an electron will answer both to being an electron or a particle.
“If you ask it a particle question, it will give you a particle answer”.
“If you ask it a wave question, it will give you a
wave answer”.

Quantum theory in short is a very cloudy world of unexplained principles, this offers a possibility of randomness, and the outcome of Quantum theory is dependent on chance.

The basic idea of Quantum theory has increased the gravitational pull of my concept and I’ve decided to use a combination of 3 concepts or theories to formulate the back-bone for my journey.

With chaos as my driver and quantum theory as my right hand man I’ve explored, documented, researched, filmed, played, searched, thought, reflected and designed
x5 videos with regard to order of frequency
(things I do often) and allowed a chance for randomness to attract.
There is a complete synergy of randomness and I’ve started each video with no clear goal or end point in mind but rather working towards it as I go along.

The Answer

I’ve found it people and it makes so much sense!
I’ve found the answer.
I know why I couldn’t get out of the rutt!
It’s the ‘law of attraction.’ :P
Some might argue that is a lot of bullshit ^^.)
It won’t help if one is a mindless zombie and expects everything
to come to them with the lack of application.
I don’t want to get religious but it could be said that God created the universe
or he is the universe so we are a part of him and completely he makes us all.
Everyone is welcome to their own beliefs and I would love to
hear your points of view on the matter so I can engage from many perspectives.
I will say this and I strongly urge anyone and everyone to find those things
that make you happy,
search and find things that ring true in your heart and consciousness,
that bring joy to your soul and where you find peace.
Don’t let others dishearten you and what you believe in.
Give it your all and stand by positive truths.
I was trying so hard to put it away and being so negative that
I was unknowing attracting negative feelings…
Radiating negative energy and thus attracting it.
It’s such a simple concept that is so true and speaks so much truth,
when I think about it it’s so obvious.
It’s been the answer to so many things in my life.
I’ve always tried to be a positive person that looks on the brighter side of life,
I hate conflict and would rather defuse a negative situation.

There’s so much good to go around…
But one might say that there has to be a balance.
That everything in life has a balance:
Day < > Night
Good < > Evil
High pressure < > Low pressure
Rain < > Evaporation
Hot < > Cold
Male < > Female
Light < > Dark

Energy can’t be created or destroyed and always recycles itself.
I believe that
‘evil never prevails’
there might be a balance but it doesn’t mean there has to be a balance of good and evil things in the world.
I base my belief on this.

Positive & Positive = Positive
Negative & Negative = Positive
Negative & Positive = Negative

one and a quarter

You welcome to believe what you want but at the end of the day
It’s simple, a positive attitude can only give you positive results.

“You are a magnet attracting to you all things,
via the signal you are emitting through your thoughts and feelings.”

Friday, July 25, 2008

!!Blast off!!

As human beings we are confined to the belief that everything comes from something.
There’s the creator and the apprentice,
(I believe that one of the reasons why people find it hard to believe in God because he was just there, no-one created him.)

This journey has to start somewhere and it starts with defining myself
and finding out who and am and what matters to me
(thoughts, beliefs, ideologies, ect.)

I want to start with the places I’ve lived and see where I go from there.
A journey is from point A. to point B.

but there’s no need to say that there can be points in-between
(a1,a2,a3,a4) or that they journey has no ending
(never ending story)or that the end point is ones death.

It depends what the journey is about, this one is to find a star how ever long it might take.

Time to put it all on the table.

Who are you in this chaos?

'Who are u?'

dont know really.
It takes a lifetime 2 define ones self.
Go about my dayly business.
I believe in the see-saw

'Wat ever suit yourself'

I suite myself quiet nicely thank u.

Wat u believe in?

'Who are u?'

Dude wat do u mean by who?
Wat do i look like?
Where do i live?
Wat do i do?
Articulate urself u being very vage.
I am who i say i am.
Cause i am me and he is i.

'Wat the fuck'

Well at least that makes 2 of us
Im a pc junky.
Rather ironic that u ask who iam and the whole screen is red.
Well almost red, enough said?

'fuck u then'

Kinda get the feeling that i cant b read.
Rather leave it instead.
Nice mature answer,
Ivan bump u the same dude that pmed me on fb aint u?
It all makes sense,
The small bubble float 2 the surface,...pop


'u are realy mad'

In other words its all irralevent.
Wat i say, mxiting with no delay.
Mad is good. Im not a sheep or a mindless soul.
U ask who i am, i try explain but its all in vein.
All u can say if wat the fuck and im mad,
Really quiet sad.
Let me poss something 2 u,
Who are u that asks who am i.
I know u know me and trying 2 dig.
Be a cig, i got a mig.

'Wat ever'

'Wat ever'

Scroll up and check it out, u've said nothing at all...

'Wat do u do?'

Clearly u arent standing tall
Wat do u want from me?
Its not clear 2 c.

'fuck al'

Im gona drop some names.
Starting with nat.
Y did u do that?
Know its u. Why do u stew.


No, wrong answer thats not hot.
Leave the dot.
U ask who i am and ive told u by wat i say.
Im sick of the sound of my own voice.
U tell me something, else im off.
Its ur choice.
The offer stands 4 im geting swolen glands.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Chaos Theory

In math chaos theory states that one little effect that has been changed
in an initial state or an event that takes place can create a totally
different outcome, setting off a chain reaction or popularly known
as a butterfly effect.

Examples of chaos theory are more common with elements that have no
self-will such as weather or climate.

There are some many factors that might effect the weather from
water currents, to humans polluting the environment to an urban city
absorbing heat from the sun.
There so many factors involved as seen as chaos,
a computer system can never measure
chaos theory for it is governed by rules and can never simulate chance.

For example, the source of a tornado could start
with a butterfly flapping it’s wings.
Weather doesn’t have a mind of it’s own and
rather acts on scientific principles,
chaos theories outcomes can be calculated if
all variables are known or are close to the source.
The process that happens or is experience along the way
is conceded to be random or chaos.

Here’s an example of a Dynamic Geomag: Choas Thoery simulation:

The explanation I have given isn’t a complete scientific summary on
chaos theory but rather my personal understanding of it.
I want to revolve around this concept for the duration of journey
(as I believe in chance) and have it at the core of my process.

Keeping my self-will very neutral and only gathering direction as
I voyage towards this star that I’m trying to find that is me.
My creative process has always had a sense of randomness in it
and I’ve stumbled upon ideas through process that have completely
changed the end result, making it quiet accidental.

I’m taking it easy at home.
Enjoying it.
All here by myself, not distractions.
Good 4 journey as I need 2 find out what I’m all about
Its what this project is all about and what I need 2 express
I’ve scraped all the work that I’ve done 4 journey

...old cement...

....and started again as the concrete in the mixer has set.
Need 2 start again. :)

I’m gonna make it quiet random
Going with chaos theory or accidental design and creative though.
I start with birth.

Anything that catches my interest or I’m inspired by I’ll collect.

Sparking off ideas and a trail of thought.
Progressively going through the years and
the big spark was when I was 11 and got my own pc.
(Even if that has any relevance at all)

That’s when I realized I was a creative being.
As I don’t like drawing or fine art, rather pc generated
Even till the age of 17 loved watching cartoons.

The project is about creating a narrative 2 my life and creativity.

Well it actually isn’t.

It’s about a journey so that’s my journey.

A creative one.
And a journey 4 me flows,
It’s never ending. ;)

The never ending story :D
So the x5 videos I’m making with flow into each other,
but naturally.

Now here’s an example:

That video I made of all the houses I stayed in ends
with me holding my cellphone in-front of the camera,
That’s the end of video one.

Number 2 starts the by zooming into the
cellphone screen typing an SMS or
the message getting set via wireless,
there’s motion and flow but at the same time its quiet random,
chaos in a sense, “chaos theory :P”

Beneath the surface

To voyage to a star I need to make sure that
I have no extra baggage, insecurities or problems
So I’m going to get this all off my chest.

I think I’ve ended up in the place I’m in for a few reasons
I’m a sensitive person that takes everything way tooo seriously,
At the end of the day no-one really cares…

Ironically I’m a critical person but I don’t take criticism very well.

I battle to ask for help.

All though I’m creative I’ve also got a very technical, logical mind.

I’m a perfectionist that wants everything perfect the 1’st time so
I battle to scratch around in a creative playground where
My possibilities could be endless instead
I procrastinate trying to make it prefect
when nothing is perfect.

Battle to find a starting point…..