Tuesday, August 12, 2008


I was running after this chaos and I stumbled upon
“Quantum theory”…

Quantum theory in a nutshell is the study of the physics of the really small.
Atoms or matter are made up of electrons, the understanding of electrons has made great advances in technology and telecommunications.
The physical of the Quantum world is uncertain,
Quantum theories core states that electrons are made up of waves and particles, the thought of this means it could be both or one or the other, this uncertainty creates randomness as Einstein quoted
“I cannot believe that God plays dice with the universe?”

The nature of an electron will answer both to being an electron or a particle.
“If you ask it a particle question, it will give you a particle answer”.
“If you ask it a wave question, it will give you a
wave answer”.

Quantum theory in short is a very cloudy world of unexplained principles, this offers a possibility of randomness, and the outcome of Quantum theory is dependent on chance.

The basic idea of Quantum theory has increased the gravitational pull of my concept and I’ve decided to use a combination of 3 concepts or theories to formulate the back-bone for my journey.

With chaos as my driver and quantum theory as my right hand man I’ve explored, documented, researched, filmed, played, searched, thought, reflected and designed
x5 videos with regard to order of frequency
(things I do often) and allowed a chance for randomness to attract.
There is a complete synergy of randomness and I’ve started each video with no clear goal or end point in mind but rather working towards it as I go along.

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